TDWR (Terminal Doppler Weather Radar) data consist of a variety of high resolution radars from various airports throughout the country. Data are updated frequently (about every 5-6 minutes). Point and Click site below on the map for its latest data.

Select a TDWR station, select type of product, observation date/time, image size, single image or 2-hour GIF, Flash, or JSANI loop, zoom factor, and image center location. This center location can be left blank or specified by using either a 4-letter radar identifier, an ICAO identifier, a WMO number, or latitude,longitude (e.g. "ENX" or "KALB" or "72518" or "42.75,-73.80"). On this site, you can retrieve products back to about 15 days. If you don't set a date/time, center location/zoom factor, you will get the latest observation centered on the radar site with the default zoom factor. The zoom factor now works even if a center location has not been set.
- Some products may not be available for the selected station.
- For loops, the date/time selected will be the approximate end time of the loop. Loops may take anywhere from 25-60 seconds to generate and display depending on server activity. During non-busy server periods, loops will usually contain 25 images. However, the number of images may be reduced during busy server periods, but these abbreviated loops will contain the closest images to the end time selected.
- The "clickable" map options have less time resolution on loops, no capability to change size or center point of the image and no ability to go back to see data anytime over the past several weeks, i.e. less overall flexibility than from the option above.
- These TDWR products are explained in the "Products Description" section (pull down lists) in this NCDC webpage.