How does this Project Work?

Where are the testing fields located?

To minimize locational variations that might confound the results, all the plots will be situated within a single grassy field, near an electrical source, arranged within an approximately hexagonal area 50 meter on a side. This design minimizes length of instrumentation cables, centralizes power distribution and reduces the overall size needed for the field site.

The individual plots within the site will be located at the points of the hexagon. Each plot will also be set up in a hexagonal pattern, 10 m on a side.
The plots will have different amounts of mirror coverage such that the total shading at noon (in July) within each plot corresponds to 0, 6, 10, 20, 43 and 88% of the plot area

Array design and intra-array micro-environments. Micro-environments a and b receive the most solar radia- tion. Their relative exposures may depend on both the time of the day and array coverage density. Micro-environment c is directly underneath the Southern edge of a mirror, receives abundant solar radiation and increase precipitation. Micro-environment d is directly underneath a mirror on the Northern side and receives the most shading.

Equipment Being Used

Type E Thermocouple Burial Probe

Type E thermocouples are comprised of a chromel wire and a constantan wire joined at a measurement junction. A voltage potential is generated when the measurement end of the thermocouple is at a different temperature than the reference end of the thermocouple. The magnitude of the voltage potential is related to the temperature difference. Therefore, temperature can be determined by measuring the differences in potential created at the junction of the two wires.

Digital Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor with M12 Connector

The HygroVUE™10 offers a combined temperature and relative humidity element in an advanced digital sensor that is ideal for weather networks. The electronics within the sensor provide accurate measurements, and the sensor is easy to use. The digital SDI-12 output allows a simple connection and measurement by many data logging systems. Another benefit is that this digital output avoids the extra errors associated with measuring analog sensors.

Net Radiometer

This four-component net radiometer, manufactured by Apogee Instruments, provides individual measurement of net radiation components. This sensor features an SDI-12 output, eliminating the need for multiple analog channels to measure the individual components of net radiation. The SN500SS offers a complete package that includes a net radiometer, mounting rod, pigtail lead cable for data logger interface, and a carrying case.

10-Plate Solar Radiation Shield

The RAD10E 10-Plate Solar Radiation Shield houses the EE181-L Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe. The probe fits in the bottom of the shield and is held in place with a foam-lined gland that tightens down around the probe.

Wind Sentry

The 03002 uses a cup wheel assembly to measure wind speed. Rotation of the cup wheel produces an ac sine wave that is directly proportional to wind speed. The frequency of the ac signal is measured by a data logger pulse count channel, then converted to engineering units (mph, m/s, knots). Campbell Scientific’s version uses shielded bearings, which lowers the anemometer’s threshold.Wind direction is sensed by a potentiometer. With the precision excitation voltage from the data logger applied to the potentiometer element, the output signal is an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the azimuth angle of the wind direction.

8-Channel RJ45 Hub

The HUB-CPI allows eight CPI (CAN peripheral interface) devices to be connected together in parallel. Typically, this configuration includes one data logger and up to seven CDMs (Campbell distributed modules) or sensors that use CPI.

Measurement and Control Datalogger

The CR1000X is a low-powered device designed to measure sensors, drive direct communication and telecommunications, analyze data, control external devices, and store data and programs in on-board, non-volatile storage. The electronics are RF-shielded and glitch-protected by a unique sealed, stainless-steel canister. A battery-backed clock assures accurate timekeeping.

20-Channel Thermocouple Module

The GRANITE™ TEMP 120 is a purpose-built thermocouple measurement module. It has 20 thermocouple inputs using universal-alloy miniature thermocouple jacks. The TEMP 120 is made to handle extreme temperature environments and rapid thermal gradients applied to the measurement module. It has a dedicated temperature reference for every input terminal and is carefully designed to reduce temperature errors in the presence of external temperature gradients.